The Unity Editor is very powerful, and this is where you will spend your time developing your game. A Layout is the way that you set up the editor to make you more productive.
I have found that my workflow significantly improves with a specific layout of panels, so I have saved it for easy access when I start a new project. Here is how you can change your Layout.
For my Layout, I like to have the following panels in these specific locations.
- Scene Panel on the top left/half of the screen with the Animator and Asset Store additional panel tabs;
- Game Panel on the bottom left/half of the screen with the Console and Animation additional panel tabs;
- Hierarchy above the Project Panel (one column view) on the centre/right column of the screen; and
- Inspector Panel on the left side of the screen.
I use this Layout for all my projects because it allows me to work on the Scene while displaying the game’s view below. Changes to objects in a Scene are immediately visible as they would be in the game, making my workflow much more effective.
The other Panel I like to change is how the Project Panel displays the files to a one-column layout. It is a much more effective way to navigate your project files.
As you can see from this Layout, it allows me to change objects in the Scene or the Inspector and view them in real-time in the Game Panel. Project files are in a more logical structure, and objects in the Hierarchy are always visible.
Let me know what you find helpful as a Layout.
NOTE — I am using the Dark Theme for the editor, which is only available for Unity’s paid subscribers. If you are a paid subscriber, you can change the theme in the general settings of Unity.